Strategy 2022-05-03T08:28:35+02:00


The intangible assets of a company are its most important assets and it is essential to ensure they are protected. We accompany our clients in all the stages of their projects and provide in-depth analysis of the position of their business. In this way we are able to give specific solutions to meet the company’s various needs. Monitoring services include the creation and development phases, negotiation and legal representation.

We guarantee direct involvement in all cases and undertake to have up-to-date knowledge of your business in order to anticipate problems and help you to be more competitive.

We provide comprehensive, ongoing and proactive advice. We are our clients’ internal advisers on intellectual property.


By diligent searches for trademarks, patents, designs and other intangible assets and by exhaustive preparation we help our clients protect corporate identities, product names, inventions and intangible assets in general in countries of strategic and commercial interest, at national, European and international level.

We provide advice aimed at overcoming possible obstacles to registration and, when protection has been obtained, we offer monitoring services to locate incompatible copies and/or registrations and provide the appropriate response.

We have wide experience in protection, registration and disputes concerning intangible assets in a wide variety of sectors, and we are thus able to assist in protecting and managing intangible asset portfolios in an effective and efficient way.

We have considerable experience in the negotiation and drafting of agreements relating to intellectual property, in particular:

  • Licence agreements for intangible assets including software licences.
  • Copyright agreements.
  • Know-how and technology transfer contracts.
  • Confidentiality agreements.
  • Distribution and franchise agreements.
  • Provisions on intellectual property in employment contracts.
  • Provisions on intellectual property in asset purchase agreements.


Protection of intangible asset portfolios:

  • Monitoring of protected intangible assets in order to take action against incompatible copies / registrations detected.
  • Preliminary studies on viability of protection.
  • Registration of intellectual property rights from presentation to registration and maintenance of registration with national, European and international intellectual property registries.

Drafting and review of contracts.

Design of confidentiality protocols.

Due diligence on intangible assets being acquired to determine their real value.

Warning letters in response to infringement of intangible assets.

Negotiation of out-of-court settlements.

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