Disputes 2022-05-03T08:29:18+02:00


Protection of intangible assets starts with effective action against copying. If disputes arise our firm has wide experience in bringing legal proceedings against third parties and defending our clients against claims.

We also appear before Spanish, European and international public bodies to defend exclusivity rights.

We co-ordinate intellectual property proceedings with international implications in a wide variety of sectors.


  • Legal actions concerning intellectual property, unfair competition, advertising, trade secrets, image rights and infringement of intangible assets in general.
  • Preliminary measures, enquiries and safeguarding of evidence.
  • Applications for interim injunctions.
  • Co-ordination of legal proceedings in foreign countries.
  • Appeals against decisions by the Intellectual Property Offices (EUIPO and OEPM).


  • Oppositions and appeals before Intellectual Property Offices (EUIPO, EPO and OEPM).
  • Co-ordination at international level of oppositions and appeals before foreign intellectual property offices.
  • Measures at frontiers for the protection of intangible assets: requests for customs intervention and control at national and Community level.
  • Alternative dispute resolution (arbitration and mediation).
  • Dispute resolution for domain names by way of WIPO arbitration.
  • Representation in administrative proceedings under consumer and labeling regulations at national and Community level.

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