Us 2022-05-03T08:20:30+02:00


FONCILLAS is a firm with wide experience in providing legal advice to Spanish and international companies, private and professional clients.

We offer comprehensive advice on intellectual property and information and communication technology rights (ICT).

We specialise in disputes concerning protection of intangible assets.


We accompany you through the different stages of your business project and provide in-depth analysis of the position of your business or venture.

Follow-up includes set-up and development, negotiation and legal representation if necessary.

We identify your needs, offer you proposals to increase the returns from your business and develop strategies which avoid or minimise the potential risks.

We work with a network of offices abroad to defend the interests of our clients at international level.


We advise on optimal management of portfolios of trademarks, patents and intangibles in general in order to maintain the strength of trademarks and intangibles with the benefits this brings:

  • Higher financial returns on licences
  • Robust defence against attacks by competitors
  • Avoidance of copying or leaks of important information
  • Winning of damages in cases of breach of trademark, patent, copyright, image rights, etc.

We plan legal strategies in the event of disputes, protect clients against claims and bring court proceedings against third parties.

Our formula: specialisation + experience + commitment + personalised solutions

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