Specialisation 2022-05-03T08:28:24+02:00


FONCILLAS is a firm specialising in the protection and defence of intellectual property. We offer advice on preventive measures to strengthen your rights and avoid or minimise possible risks. We also pursue infringements and defend your interests in the courts.

We believe that the most effective protection of your rights is one which protects them at international level. For this reason we specialise in coordinating cases by way of a network of foreign lawyers and in this way protecting your rights throughout the world.


Trademarks, designs and patents


Unfair competition


Image rights

Litigation concerning intellectual property, unfair competition law, advertising, image rights and infringement of intangibles in general

Licensing of intangibles; know-how and technology transfer; confidentiality; distribution and franchises

Copyright agreements

Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Rights

Registration of intellectual property rights

Trade secrets

Confidentiality protocols

Due diligence


Fashion, culture, leisure, beauty, food, entertainment and technology (especially in computer software), the pharmaceutical industry, telecommunications, construction, etc.

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