The courts fine the famous Buddha bar 360,000 euros for copying the trademark 2022-05-05T15:11:49+02:00

The courts fine the famous Buddha bar 360,000 euros for copying the trademark

“The judgment is by Community Trademark Court nº2 in Alicante, which orders the administrators of the national trademark to cease using it for profit. (…) The French company shows its trademark is well-known by references to it in general and specialist publications in a number of countries prior to 2001 and the advertising campaigns they ran to make it more distinctive”.

Increased protection of well-known trademarks

“This extra element is duly rewarded in the judgment which holds that there is serious damage to the image and the prestige of the well-known trademark “Buddha Bar”. It thus awards very substantial damages, some of the highest awarded to date by the Spanish Community Trademark Court”.

Expansión, 8 May 2008

See press release in PDF

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