A BCN restaurant has to pay 413,000 euros for illegal use of a trademark. 2022-05-05T15:13:01+02:00

A BCN restaurant has to pay 413,000 euros for illegal use of a trademark.

“A court in Alicante has ordered the company running the Buda restaurant on Pau Claris to pay 413,000 euros compensation for illegal use of the trademark […]. It is not the first time the French company George V Restauration, represented by lawyer Lara Foncillas, has won a case of this kind in Spain. Last year their claim was upheld in the cases of the Buda Bar in Madrid, a well-known party venue for Real Madrid players and other celebrities, and Buddha in Palma de Mallorca”.

El Periódico, 15 February 2010.

See press release in PDF

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